Rescue a stuck software project

Do you have a project that has gone down the wrong path or is at risk as a result of a developer leaving? We can audit your project, present you with options and step in and rescue the project. We can completely take over or work with an existing team.

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Axios - Software rescue

If you’re uncertain about your software project, call Axios

We see a number of reasons why a software project can go off the rails. In some cases the development team didn’t have all the required roles/skills to be successful – you need analysts, designers, developers, testers and a project manager.

In other cases, the team may have only been skilled in a single platform, and in hindsight that platform wasn’t the right fit for where the project is now heading. It might even be that a key resource has left or you are worried about key-person risk, the security or scalability of your system or just have doubts about whether it could be done better?

Axios has helped many customers in this situation. We start by auditing what you have. We’ll present a report detailing our assessment of how well the software meets business needs, the suitability of the technology used, the scalability, performance, security and any other relevant issues. Armed with this information, we can generally present two or three options.

One common option is to simply address any shortfalls in the system and for us to take over maintenance so you can confidently use the application knowing you have support. If there is still a lot of work left to be done to make the system usable, we’ll generally present a “finish the current software” and a “start over” option with pros and cons for each. If the system has scalability or technology limitations, it might be practical to use it in the short-term but not long-term. We look at the immediate cost and lifetime cost of all options to help you decide what’s best for your business.

It’s not uncommon for us to be called in to provide some additional expertise to help an internal developer. As above, there are many skill-sets required to build a complex business application. A lone internal developer or a small team might be able to get so far, but then they will need assistance. If this is likely to be the case with your internal team, why not get us to do a review in the design stage to avoid costly rebuilds later on.

Software project rescue services

Axios - Audit


We can audit your software project at any stage, as an assurance step early on or as a disaster recover step if you lose a key resource or if the project runs off the rails.

Axios - Options/advisory


Having audited your software, we provide several options that may include fixing or maintaining your current software, partial or even full rebuilds. We’ll let you know up-front and projected total lifetime costs of each option to help you make the right decision for your business.

Axios - Skills/role outsourcing

Skills/role outsourcing

If you have an internal team and want to supplement their skills or simply ensure that knowledge is captured to prevent key-person risk, we can fill these roles.

Axios - Take-over/build


If your current software cannot be finished and/or maintained by the original developers for any reason, we can step in and take over the project.

Axios - Hosting


When we take over projects, we like to ensure they are hosted on industry-standard technology in a reputable data-centre. We are Microsoft Azure resellers and can organise all your professional application hosting needs.

Axios - Support and maintenance

Support and maintenance

Knowing that the software you are entering your precious data into is being supported is critical. We can support projects in various stages of their lifecycle to give you peace of mind.

Some of our work

Axios - Play video

Adam Warchol & Ian Hazel

Portable Long Service Leave

(Construction/building services)

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Axios - Play video

Jeremy Stones, Yianni Sotiriou & Alan Tuxford

HPS Pharmacies


Play video
Axios - Play video

Shawn Butterfield


(Construction/building services)

Play video

How else can we help?

Axios - Custom business software

Custom business software

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Axios - Build the idea

Build my app idea

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Axios - Other custom engagements


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We’d love to work with you

If you’ve been thinking about a software project, or you’d like to know more about how custom software can improve your business, we’d love to hear from you.

Axios undertakes complex work that is the subject of NDAs, police checks, and in some cases, Australian Government security clearances. As a result, our employees undertake substantial onboarding and we are not able to take on work experience students or internships.

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